What's the seyes ruled paper?
Sep 09 , 2020

Are you interested in spending some time on your handwriting? Then French ruled paper, or Seyes ruled paper, could be something to help you out. French ruled or Séyès paper is the standard lined paper used by students in France, as commonly used as college ruled paper in the USA.

Not only useful for French cursive, it is an excellent tool for anyone to learn cursive writing, to improve their handwriting or practice calligraphy using the lines to help get a consistent size. It features an 8mm x 8mm grid, with lighter or thinner horizontal lines spaced 2mm apart inside the main grid. These thin lines help you keep the size and height of your letters consistent. There are also room at the top and bottom of the pages for notes or teacher’s comments and a margin on the left marked with a vertical main line.

There are rules for which letters go where, and this is where the French system becomes harder to follow as they have a particular style of writing each letter, which I personally found quite hard. A simplified version of this might be as follows:

Upper case letters (A, B, C etc) start on the base line and go up to the third feint line;

Lower case letters (a, c, e etc) start on the base line, and go up to the first 2mm line;

Lower case letters with a vertical stem (b, d, f, h, k, l) are formed by taking the stem up to the third feint line;

Letters like an ‘i’ and ‘t’ go up to the second feint line;

Letters that drop below the line (g, j, p, q, y) sit on the base line and drop down two feint lines.

We offer a range of cahier notebooks and exercise books with Seyes rulings by our own factory, also with different colors of seyes line.

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